Are NGOs good for Cambodia?

Are NGOs good for Cambodia?

An NGOs is Non-Government Organization.
The NGOs help people like get people clean water, help people to saved money, help women…

There all around 3500 NGOs in Cambodia.

I think NGOs is good for Cambodia because they help many people and safe people life.
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The NGOs is bad for Cambodia because some of the NGOs don’t really help people they only wanted money and the lies to the Government.

I think the NGOs could be bad for Cambodia but if there no NGOs the country would be worse.

By Sokmean

Are N.G.O's good for Cambodia?

->   An N.G.O is Non - Government Organization.

->   They help people, the environment, and habitat of animals.

->    In Cambodia we have around 3500 N.G.O’s.

->    N.G.O is helping people they have made schools, hospitals, equal    right, and clean water, protect children, help poverty peoples, made well for poor people so they can grow fruit every year, support women, giving education, malaria.

-> SCF UK give 6.2 million children education 323,000 children protection, in 2014 IRC helped over 17 million peoples.

Image result for cambodia ngo helping kid

->   Some of N.G.O’s they want profit.

->   I think N.G.Os is good for Cambodia because they help people to make well for free and to teach us how to save money like hospitals for people that sick, give us education giving family , job, make home for people that they can make their own, build schools, hospitals at province, some people work for N.G.O’s so they have money.

By: Camknoll

Are N.G.O.s good for Cambodia?

An NGO is a NON - government organization
N.G.O.s help the people that need help example like the less fortunate people the people that have illness so they can have a job and earn money .There are around 3,500
N.G.O .

NGOs are good for Cambodia because they are helping a lot of people at Cambodia example like providing clean water,medicine, healthcare, etc.Image result for cambodia ngo helping kid

NGOs are bad for Cambodia because some of the NGO
Are just making it for the profit which is called for -Profit NGO and they are not helping the people that need help in Cambodia.

I think the good N.G.O must have more donations and I think the bad N.G.O need to be kick out of Cambodia in conclusion we hope there are more good N.G.O so Cambodia can be better country with more happy , healthy ,and also more clever people.
By Panha


N.G.O stands for Non-Governmental-Organization and means the government has nothing to do with the government.

 An N.G.O, whether it is good or bad provide clean water, help people and animals and keep them safe. They help them by injecting them but they must change the needle so they don’t get HIV, They make schools for children to study and hospitals, Mobile car to drive around the city to see if the people are sick if they see the people is they take them into the car and take them to the hospital.
Image result for cambodia ngo helping kid
They are around 3,500 N.G.Os in Cambodia.

They help build 89 schools for 9 years, they helped provide clean water and land and pay them money and they must pay a little bit too because if they don’t pay a little bit they feel the things are there’s. Oxfam had help 12 million people, Psi have saved 183,578 people from daly.

The bad things about N.G.O is salary trap and for profit N.G.O
In conclusion there is many people that are less fortunate because of the Khmer rouge if the Khmer rouge don’t come to attack Cambodia will be one of the greatest country

By: Kuyyong


Image result for cambodia ngo helping kidA NGOs is a Non-Government Organization NGOs dose thing like clean the water, build school hospital, house, and promote human right, protect the environment, animal. Like Tabitha help women CYK help children there are around 3,600 NGOs in Cambodia
 A bag NGO want profit do salary trap like if they open an orphanage some of them have parent but the orphanage just take them away from their family to go to the orphanage because if there is a lot of orphan then when the visitor come they will give more thing and money so the orphanage will take the thing and sell it for money and take the money for themselves.
A good NGO don’t want profit. Like PSI help people from malaria, HIV, and SCF save children and let 6.2 million children go to school and help 1.1 million children escape extreme poverty and they don’t do salary trap.
in conclusion I think that that the good NGOs is better.

